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What is a block reward?

A block reward is not always included in either of these versions of a full node. A block broadcasts all the network nodes when a miner seeks to add a new block of transactions to the Blockchain. Based on the legitimacy of a block, nodes might accept or reject it (validity of signatures and transactions).

Why is node privacy and anonymity important?

Node privacy and anonymity are critical for ensuring the security and privacy of the Blockchain network. Nodes that are not anonymous can be vulnerable to targeted attacks, which can compromise the entire network.

What happens if a full node doesn't agree with a proposal?

When making decisions for the future of a network, full nodes are the ones that vote on proposals. If more than 51% of them don’t agree with the proposition, it gets skipped. In some cases, this can lead to a hard fork in which the community cannot agree on a certain change and thus go their separate ways, creating two chains.

Should you invest in a masternode or a staking node?

With masternodes, you will be paid for your services, but you have to consider the initial investment that you’ve locked into the masternode itself. Another option would be a staking node, it will offer you passive income which will increase as you invest more in it.

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